Add life to your Annual Report.
Kerber Cartoonicons.
Pocket-sized digital Cartoon Icons. Created bespokely for you. Yours to use as many times, and on as many things as you wish.
Simple individual little cartoony moments.
Cool unique graphics to liven up Annual Reports…
Add life to your important Transformation strategies.
Important messages enhanced with likeable characters.
A far more engaging and original way to represent the facts and figures.
Adding energy and vibrancy to company reports.
Taking your themes and headings, and creating cool unique little cartoon graphics.
It all fits together very nicely !
£50 per Cartoonicon. (minimum quantity 5)
Let’s have a chat and create some wonderful Cartoonicons !!!
Neil Kerber is 3 times award-winning national newspaper cartoonist, also creating cartoons for brands and marketing. He has spent a lot of time working with management consultants and strategy experts, creating cartoony icons and pocket-sized graphics that capture key messages and themes.